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6 month small group interest page

Thanks so much for your interest in my small group program! I'm gathering 4-6 women to participate in this virtual experience.  My plan is to meet monthly to present a brief topic and then open it up for coaching.  There is always something to learn in watching someone else get coached, even if the subject matter doesn't apply to you.  


This group is for you if you're interested in learning more about mindset, the emotions that control our behaviors, and taking control of both of those areas of your life.  As it is an intimate sized group, respect for each other and what we discuss is of utmost importance to me. I'm planning on looking at these submissions and then forming a cohesive group.


Please fill out the below interest form and we'll go from there!

Welcome. Tell me why you're here!
How much experience do you have with coaching?
This is a 6 month program starting January 2024 with monthly hour long meetings. They will be held the third Wednesday of the month at 7PM central time. Would you be able to commit to that?
I will be recording these sessions and submitting them to MY coach for feedback. Is that ok with you?

Thank you! I'm excited to get this started. I'll send out invitations to the group in a separate email in 1-2 weeks.

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